Minion of Slade
Storm bot
Rage Cop
Wall-E 2.0
Hideo Kojima
Security Bot
Viking Rage

Premium info

What is Premium Rage?

Think of Premium Rage as a personalized Rage.
It has all of the features of a normal Ragebot plus a bunch of additional features that are available on Premium only (listed below), including custom profile picture and name.

We frequently update all of the Premium Rages as we implement new features, often based on the suggestions and wishes of our current Premium users.
So naturally, more features will be added in the future.
If you have any questions to us about Premium Rage, you can contact us in our Support Group, #Rage_Bot_Premium

Why would I want Premium?

Your Premium Rage will be YOUR personal bot.
You get to choose the profile picture and the name of it, and only you will be able to invite it to groups - nobody else will be able to.
Here's a list of the differences between Basic Rage and Premium Rage.

Has all basic
✓ ✓
Unique, personal bot
Not shared with others
✗ ✓
Custom name,
Profile picture
Background photo
✗ ✓
Goodbye message
Can be customized
✗ ✓
(word blacklisting)
✗ ✓
(user won't be removed from 48 mode etc.)
✗ ✓
Transfer group data & settings across groups ✗ ✓
Disallow noobs
(new accounts, customizable)
✗ ✓
Disallow joining
(group lock down)
✗ ✓
Disallow crash codes
(security feature)
✗ ✓
Disallow spam
(security feature)
✗ ✓

More features will be added in the future.
Note: this table might be slightly outdated - you can read more about the commands here.

What do people say about it?

How much does it cost, and how do I obtain it?

We currently have three price plans.
Because we wanted to make the features cheap and affordable to everyone, the only difference between them is the max amount of groups you're able to have the Premium Rage in.

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Price per month $5 USD $10 USD $15 USD
Max number of groups 10 25 50

If you're interested in purchasing, tap this link to set up a payment through PayPal.
At the current time, we only accept payments through PayPal - however, you can opt to pay for a year in advance if you want. Contact us over Kik for more details.

After doing so, send a message to @RaygAndNyxie on Kik with the following things:

Then we'll set it up for you within two working days.

Once it has been set up, we will send you a message with the @username for your bot - you can set up a name, profile picture and background picture for it yourself with these commands.
Afterwards you'll be able to invite it into your groups immediately - no "friend"ing necessary!
Before you invite it to your groups, remember to do "Backup" first, then "Rage leave", then invite in your Premium and do "Import all" so you get to keep all of your data.
You should never use two bots in the same chat.
Remember to keep track of how many groups you have it in so it does not surpass the amount of groups for your price plan.
You can keep track of this by typing "groups" to your bot in PM.
Whenever there are updates to Premium, your Premium Rage will drop you a PM with the changes/updates listed.

Exhibit caution about which groups you add your Premium to.
If people abuse it in the groups you add it to, it can result in Kik banning your bot. Therefore we would advise against adding it to groups you're not admin of, or groups you do not know if you can trust.

Why have you launched a Premium version of Rage?

Ragebot started out as a small hobby project, but as it grew maintenance and server costs have become more expensive.
To keep up with the costs, we are now offering a Premium version of the bot which provides some exclusive, resource intensive features.
Through this new model, we are not only able to keep Ragebot thriving and available for everyone, but we are also able to offer a lot of new long-requested features for our Premium users.

We didn't forsee the rapid growth from just a few groups to a quarter of a million groups in just over a year, and by the time of writing this, Rage reaches over 6 million people on Kik.
By implementing Rage Premium, it helps us cover the growing costs.
Rage has been free and we intend to keep it that way as well as continuing to improve and update both platforms.
Thank you for helping us get to where we are through donations, using Rage and spreading the good word.

Thank you for your interest in Premium Rage.

1: We maintain the right to cancel Premium bots if we deem it necessary. In the case of cancellation, the money for the remaining days left on the bot will be refunded.
2: Keep in mind, the Ragebot project (including Premium) is just a hobby project we work on in our spare time to keep Kik safe from bots and to make group management easier for everyone.